Cooker hoods

T5-T4-05 Unreliable touch control operation KD9570.0 J / KD9570.0BC
T5-T4-04 Motor house and turbine interference EDIP9500.0 / EDIP6500.0
T5-T4-03 Motor for EDIP9500.0 E / EDIP6500.0E CNX6000 / CNL3000
T5-T4-02 KD 9475.0 GE-91 - Touch control, spare-part no. 530397
T5-T4-01 IKD1157.1 E and KD957.1 E - Factory 77 - Grease drips from the motor into the rear halogen lamp
T5-90-01 IKDU 9900.0PW grease filter conversion kit
T5-85-05 Modification instructions for the new control unit, spare part no. 503187
T5-85-04 EDIP 939.1 E and EDIP 639.1 E
Replacement of halogen lamp is not possible
T5-85-03 KD12450.O E and KD9450.O E: burned ribbon cable
T5-85-02 KD 930.0 and KD 630.0 - Grease filter indicator
T5-85-01 New electronic unit for KD 930.0 and KD 630.0
T5-76-08 Working instructions for repositioning or replacing loose or defect glass panels
T5-76-07 Charcoal filter
KD6250 / KD9250 / KD9350.0 / KD 12350.0 / IKD 9350.0 / IKD 12350.0 /
IKDEM 12350.0 / IKDEM 9350.0 / KDEM 12350.0 / KDEM 9350
T5-76-06 KD 9880, KD 9875, KD 9890, IKD 9890, IKD 9880, TKD 9880
Functional test on the inner/outer temperature sensor
T5-76-05 Conversion kit (spare part no. 539465) for LB644.0 until approx. 07.2000 Transformer spare parts kit
T5-76-03 KDEM 1206.3 - special model
T5-76-02 KD 9400.0, KD 9600.0 and TKD 988.1 - humming noises
T5-76-01 ED 635.1 - grease filter indicator - complaint: grease filter indicator indicates too soon


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Last update: 17.07.2012